Small evergreen tree with very fragrant flowers and
stiff thorns, up to 5 mtrs. high, cultivated worldwide,
larger cultivated area is Spain far away from other
countries. Using the peel of the fruit by cold expression,
the essential oil is obtained. The petitgrain lemon
oil is produced from the leaves and twigs, by steam
distillation. Do not use on any part of the body because
of phototoxic effects and sensitizing potential. Expressed
Lemon Oil is a yellow to greenish yellow or pale yellow
mobile liquid of very light, fresh and sweet odor,
truly reminiscent of the ripe peel. Good oils retain
their fresh lemon odor practically unchanged on a
blotter until there is no odor left at all. The odor
of lemon oil is not very lasting, but the tenacity
is quite strong. The oil should be clear, not hazy
or turbid and it should not show resinous deposits.
Expressed Lemon Oil is used in perfumes and flavors
for its refreshing, sweet fruity note. It is one of
the more important ingredients in the old fashioned
citrus type of colognes, in Eau de Verveine and other
toilet waters, lotions and aerosol sprays. It finds
general application as a freshener and topnote ingredient
in countless perfume types.